A Scrumptious Chinese New Year Feast

Digest Lite Bites

January 14, 2012

Story By: Dining Out Team |

Gung Hee Fat Choy! Celebrate Chinese New Year (which this year takes place Jan. 23) with some delicious traditional Chinese dishes at Lung Fung Restaurant in Niu Valley.

A popular item during New Year is Monk’s Food Jai ($10.95) which is a vegetarian dish made with bean curd, long rice, mushroom, tofu, cabbage, lotus nut, water chestnut, carrot, snow pea, bamboo shoot and topped with sesame seeds.

“People eat this during Chinese New Year for good fortune and good luck,” says manager Eddie Ma. “Our Jai is a recipe from our chef “Mister Hu,” who is from Chung San, China.”

  • Pot Roast Pork ($11.95)
  • Monk's Food Jai ($10.95)
  • Crab with Garlic and Chili (seasonal)
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While at Lung Fung, you’ll also want to try some of its signature dishes, such as Crab with Garlic and Chili (seasonal), which is deep-fried to a crispy, flavorful taste; and Pot Roast Pork or “Kau Yuk” ($11.95), which has a soft texture that just melts in your mouth.

“Our Kau Yuk is our chef’s specialty. It’s made in the way they make it in his home-town (in Chung San), which is very famous,” explains Ma. “The taste is a little sweet, and there’s not too much gravy. It’s cooked in the traditional Chinese style.”

A special Chinese New Year Menu for 10 people is available for $178 featuring Seafood with Tofu Soup, Lobster with Ginger and Onion, Crispy Whole Chicken, Beef with Young Ginger and Pineapple, Steamed Fish Fillet with Ginger, Salt and Pepper Shrimp, Choy Sum with Meat Sauce, Garlic with Shrimp Fried Rice, and dessert.

Lung Fung Restaurant also offers lunch specials, daily specials and catering for all occasions. There is a private room that can seat 12 people, lots of parking and a full service bar as well. However, customers can bring in their own alcohol with a $1.50 corkage fee per person.

For those who can read Chinese, Lung Fung Restaurant also has a Chinese name, which translates to Chung San Harbor Seafood Restaurant. “Lung is dragon and Fung is phoenix,” explains Ma, who took over the 30-year-old restaurant about nine years ago. “We kept the name Lung Fung, but about six years ago we added the Chinese name Chung San Harbor Seafood Restaurant. We are a traditional Chinese restaurant serving Hong Kong-style food.”

Lung Fung Chinese Restaurant

  • Where
    • 5724 Kalanianaole Highway
    • Honolulu, HI 96821
  • Call
    • (808) 377-5555
    • (808) 377-5566
  • Hours
    • Open daily
    • 11 a.m. – 9 p.m.
  • Website

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