Reelin’ In the Pasta at Atlantis

Veg'n Out

January 28, 2012

Story By: Dining Out Team |

The revitalization of Waikiki has brought new life to the bustling city by the sea. It’s been a boon for local businesses, and riding that wave is Atlantis Seafood and Steak, a charming aquatic-themed restaurant centrally located in the former Waikiki 3 Theatre spot.

“There’s lots of people in Waikiki lately,” notes executive general manager Steve Matsuno. “We’ve been the lucky beneficiary of that. And it’s Pro Bowl week, so we have a lot of customers.”

  • Veggie Pasta ($19.95)
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Of course, it takes more than luck, football and an influx of potential customers for an eatery to remain busy. Sure, it may lure them in, but the food has to be good enough to get them hooked.

Fans of Atlantis Seafood and Steak are confident that the food will consistently meet their expectations, and the surf and turf theme is highly popular. But while that may excite hungry carnivores, what’s the attraction for vegetarians?

If surf and turf brings to mind nori and vegetables rather than lobster and a New York cut, then Veggie Pasta ($19.95) will more than tide you over. It’s a heaping plateful of spaghetti tossed in a homemade marinara sauce and topped with a generous amount of broccoli and cauliflower florets, chopped string beans, asparagus and zucchini, and garnished with chopped fresh tomatoes and green onions. Pretty as a picture, the colorful dish’s crisp-tender vegetables and slightly sweet sauce give it an Asian-fusion accent.

Oh, and don’t forget that Valentine’s Day is rapidly approaching. So if your significant other is a surf-and-turf lover, let ’em eat steak. You’ll be happily reeling in pasta right in the heart of Waikiki.

Atlantis Seafood & Steak

  • Where
    • 2284 Kalakaua Avenue
    • Honolulu, HI 96815
  • Call
    • (808) 922-6868
  • Hours
    • Open daily
    • 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. (Lunch)
    • 4 p.m. – 10 p.m. (Dinner)

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