Go On, Eat Greek

Digest On the Menu

November 19, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

Experience the authentic and diverse tastes of Greece right here at home at Greek Marina. Located at Koko Marina Center in Hawaii Kai, this casual, unassuming establishment wows diners with its jaw-dropping, innovative cuisine. Open for lunch and dinner, owner and chef Tarek Guirguis says the restaurant’s specialties include classic Greek favorites such as Gyros, Souvlaki, Baklava and more. However, for those diners with eclectic tastes, Guirguis welcomes you to opt for two special entrees not listed on the eatery’s regular menu.

  • Mix Seafood Special ($21.95)
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“On the weekends only (Friday-Sunday), we offer our Baked Chicken Special and our Mix Seafood Special,” he says. “The oven-baked chicken is considered a very traditional Greek dish, and it’s always made fresh.”

Priced at $13.95, this entree features moist, oven-baked chicken breast served with baked potatoes, rice, Greek salad and pita bread.

Yearning for a symphony of flavors from the sea? Let your taste buds soak in the flavors of shrimp, fish (mahi mahi or opakapaka) and calamari steak found in Greek Marina’s Mix Seafood Special ($21.95) This melt-in-your-mouth seafood option also is accompanied by the perfect servings of rice, Greek salad and pita bread.

“We don’t have much seafood on the menu, so this is something unique, and we’re happy to offer this dish as well,” Guirguis explains. “It’s become very popular, and we’re glad people enjoy it as much as they do.”

Greek Marina

  • Where
    • Koko Marina Center
    • 7192 Kalanianaole Highway E-126
    • Honolulu, HI 96825
  • Call
    • (808) 396-8441
  • Hours
    • 11 a.m. – 9 p.m.
    • Sunday – Thursday
    • 11 a.m. – 10 p.m.
    • Friday and Saturday
  • Website

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