On On’s Really Got It Going On

Digest On the Menu

October 22, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

There are plenty of great offers to take advantage of at On On at McCully Chinese Restaurant. The Wong family has owned and operated the establishment since the early ’80s, offering Cantonese cuisine with a Northern Chinese twist.

  • Orange Chicken lunch special
  • Ginger Chicken lunch special
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Restaurant manager Norman Wong explains the new lunch specials as a way “to help out our customers during these difficult economic times.” The affordable menu offers local favorites like Ma Po Tofu, Kau Yuk and Roast Duck, all served with Gon Lo Mein and rice on the side. The most popular lunch specials include On On’s tangy Orange Chicken, as well as the refreshing Ginger Chicken. All of these savory options are available for takeout and dine-in during lunch, and takeout only during dinner.

As if that offer’s not great enough, all regular menu items are automatically 10 percent off until the end of the month. On top of that, bring in the coupon featured in this issue of Dining Out to receive a total of 20 percent off the entire meal.

“Its just our way of saying mahalo to our loyal customers as we celebrate our 33rd year anniversary,” exclaims Wong.

The sweet deals go on and on into the holiday season. “It’s not too early to reserve your table for 10, or the private party room, which seats 50-60 people,” he says.

Holiday menus for 10 start at $179 and include new favorites such as Pan Fried Butter Fish and Sizzling Orange Pork Chops.

Join in the anniversary celebrations as On On gives back some of the aloha it’s received throughout the years.

On On at McCully Chinese Restaurant

  • Where
    • 1110 McCully Street
    • Honolulu, HI 96826
  • Call
    • (808) 946-8833
  • Hours
    • Daily
    • 10:30 a.m. – 9:30 p.m.
  • Website

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