ToW’s One-Hit Savory Wonder

Veg'n Out

October 1, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

One is the loneliest number that you’ll ever do. That lyric may ring true for the lovelorn, but there are situations when one will do just fine.

  • Hawaiian Vine Ripened Tomato Parmigiano ($25)
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“I made reservations tonight for a nice dinner with a view in Waikiki,” says your significant other, family member or friend.

“Where?” you inquire a bit warily. You don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings, but if you don’t eat meat or fish, fine dining usually means assembling sides such as a house salad, rice or maybe a baked potato, or settling for an entree salad and gingerly picking off what you don’t want to eat.

But if you’re lucky, your question will be answered with three words: Top of Waikiki.

“We have one,” replies Colette Canady, director of marketing for the restaurant, when I ask if the menu offers any vegetarian dishes.

One works, especially this one if you’re a tomato lover: Hawaiian Vine Ripened Tomato Parmigiano ($25). This lovely dish consists of a roasted tomato, fennel and Hamakua mushroom ragout topped with tomato and fresh mozzarella gratin with a balsamic reduction. The sweetness of the tomatoes pairs well with the earthiness of the mushrooms, and the balsamic adds just the right dash of savory flavor.

“It’s not quite as popular as our Kalbi Short Ribs or Roasted Garlic Ribeye,” Canady adds, “but it’s up there.”

Speaking of up there, Top of Waikiki, Hawaii’s only revolving restaurant, offers a full 360-degree rotation every hour for a spectacular, ever-changing panorama.

So enjoy your dinner with a view. You don’t have to settle for side dishes when you really want a gourmet entree — all you need is one.

Top of Waikiki

  • Where
    • Waikiki Business Plaza
    • 2270 Kalakaua Avenue
    • Honolulu, HI 96815
  • Call
    • (808) 923-3877
  • Hours
    • Open daily
    • 5 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

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