Finding Okazuya Favorites at Fukuya

Veg'n Out

September 10, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

It’s fun to discover hidden treasures — and when it comes to dining out, the okazuya is a gem. Often nestled in an unassuming spot, these neighborhood delis offer local-style and Japanese favorites, and the attraction to okazuya is that you can pick and choose exactly what you want to eat.

Oh, big revelation, you say. Tell us something we don’t already know.

OK, it may not be a big deal to some, but if you don’t eat meat or fish, menu options can be quite narrow in many restaurants, so the more to choose from, the better — and an okazuya can be a treasure chest of choices to please your particular palate and diet.

Fukuya, a popular longtime Japanese caterer and deli in Moiliili, boasts a large variety, and according to owner Arrison Iwahiro, the shirae offered here is a traditional old-style Japanese recipe and a customer favorite.

“Tofu is mashed and mixed with blanched seasoned vegetables with miso,” he says. At $1.75 per serving, you may want to stop by and give it a try.

Fukuya also offers a variety of taste-tempting tempura, including potato ($1.25 per piece) and vegetable (carrots, celery, onions and green beans, $1.25 per piece). Iwahiro assures Dining Out readers that Fukuya doesn’t use
eggs in its tempura batter, so these tasty morsels are popular with non meat-eaters as well as carnivores.

The beauty here is you can order a number of your favorite deli selections to put together a bento all your own — and for veggie lovers, that’s something to treasure.

Fukuya Deli and Catering

  • Where
    • 2710 South King Street
    • Honolulu, HI 96826
  • Call
    • (808) 946-2073
  • Hours
    • 6 a.m. – 2 p.m.
    • Wednesday – Sunday
  • Website

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