The Freshest Sushi Sold in a Sleek Venue

Digest Lite Bites

July 30, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

Kaiten sushi joints might be popping up everywhere you look, but as soon as you walk into SushiSan, you’ll know you’re in for something a little bit different. The venue has an upscale feel to it — chic, modern, elegant.

  • Garlic Awabi ($5.80)
  • Hirame ($4.80)
  • Fresh seafood — Awabi, Namako and Hoya — from Japan and Korea
  • Fresh Seafood from Japan and Korea -Hirame
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And according to restaurant owner Jay Kim, the food is different, too. “We want to keep developing our new menu and bring up the quality of the food with freshness,” he said. “We make our food from professional chefs … and SushiSan is looking to be a sushi bar with quality food.”

SushiSan opened its doors in March and already has exciting, innovative dishes under way. Last week, SushiSan launched its “Air Freight Menu,” which includes fresh seafood imported from Korea and Japan. Kim explains the eatery is bringing in sea squirt, sea cucumber, abalone, Hotate and white fishes such as Hirame, Aka Tai, Suzuki and Bora. “I believe this seafood makes a food quality difference between us and other kaiten sushi restaurants,” Kim says.

The restaurant also offers a number of creative sushi dishes that other places might not have, such as White Button Mushroom ($3.20), King Oyster Mushroom ($3.20), Kapa Spicy Tuna ($2.20) and Unagi and Egg ($3.20). Kim says that other popular menu items include Spicy Ebi Roll ($4.80), Beef Steak ($3.20), Garlic Awabi ($5.20) and Garlic Salmon ($3.20). The menu also includes hot donburi items, and all customers receive free miso soup that may be refilled as often as they desire.

Although still new, SushiSan already is proving to be a worthy competitor to other sushi restaurants in Hawaii. Kim stresses that good customer service, food quality and reasonable prices are SushiSan’s goals. “Myself and our staff members will make these three things balance and make our customers happy,” he says.


  • Where
    • 1409 Kapiolani Boulevard
    • Honolulu, HI 96814
  • Call
    • (808) 944-0670
  • Hours
    • Open daily
    • 11 a.m. – 10 p.m.
  • Website

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