Dine in Total Buffet Glory

Digest Eat This

July 23, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

An all-you-can-eat buffet is an answer from above when it comes to a dining experience centered around quantity. However, here at Ho Ho Chinese Cuisine in Kapolei, quality supersedes that notion.

  • Ho Ho's all-you-caneat buffet
  • Salt and Pepper Shrimp
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Located at The Marketplace at Kapolei, this West Oahu establishment is well-respected by diners from near and far. The afternoon crowd takes full advantage of the lunch buffet offered daily, priced at $9.50 Monday through Friday and $10.95 Saturday and Sunday, while many families look forward to the all-you-can-eat evening buffet Monday through Thursday for $15.95 per person and Friday through Sunday for $17.95.

According to Ho Ho Chinese Cuisine manager Crystal Chan, the buffet selection is perfect for the most indecisive of diners, as she says customers are free to sample a little of everything here — be it the Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs, Fried Noodles or Salt and Pepper Crab Legs, among others.

Yet, when deciding on patrons’ absolute favorites, the choice is simple. Chan says you won’t be disappointed with the Salt and Pepper shrimp and Beef Broccoli. Available as party trays as well, the Salt and Pepper Shrimp is expertly seasoned with a pinch of salt and pepper, and a hint of garlic to make your mouth water. The Beef Broccoli pairs perfectly with Ho Ho’s Fried Rice, and consists of savory morsels of meat and tender pieces of broccoli topped with the most flavorful gravy.

Ho Ho Chinese Cuisine

  • Where
    • 590 Farrington Highway
    • Kapolei, HI 96707
  • Call
    • (808) 692-9880
  • Hours
    • Open 10 a.m. daily (dine-in area)

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