Wok on the Light Side

Veg'n Out

July 23, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

“Healthy Chinese food” is considered an oxymoron by many, since although it often contains a healthy serving of vegetables, it also can be high in sodium and fat. But take out all the bad stuff and you may find your favorite dish is a bit less flavorful. Do you really need to add sodium and fat to make food taste good?

  • Lifang Li serves the vibrant Eggplant with garlic sauce at California Wok.
  • Eggplant with garlic sauce ($7.99)
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“You never imagined that healthy Chinese food could be this tasty!” touts California Wok. The California-based chain, located on the first floor in Ala Moana Center near Macy’s, has an extensive menu that conveniently lists the calories and saturated fat for many of its offerings — a real plus for those who try to keep a healthy diet and/or are watching their waist-lines. And who isn’t these days?

Manager Winnie Li assures diners that the vegetarian dishes at California Wok contain no meat or meat products, are made only with the freshest ingredients and are always cooked to order. She recommends Eggplant with garlic sauce ($7.99), a simple yet satisfying presentation of sauteed eggplant with a garlic, ginger, soy sauce served with rice on the side.

So the next time you decide to go out for Chinese food, why not try a “Wok” on the light side?

California Wok

  • Where
    • Ala Moana Center
    • 1450 Ala Moana Boulevard
    • Honolulu, HI 96814
  • Call
    • (808) 947-1332
  • Hours
    • Daily
    • 9:30 a.m. – 9:30 p.m.
  • Website
  • Notes
    • Ample free parking available.

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