Sushi That’s on the ‘Button’

Veg'n Out

June 18, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

Kaiten sushi-style of eating is such a great idea, no wonder it’s so popular. Diners pick and choose from a variety of freshly made sushi (plate colors denote prices) gliding right by their tables. It’s fun.

  • White Button Mushroom Sushi ($3.20)
  • Sushi options line the conveyor belts that run in two directions at Sushi San.
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But as a vegetarian, you may think there’s something fishy about dining out at a sushi bar.

Sushi San has a wide selection of freshly made, artfully constructed sushi — with some starring vegetables in the leading role typically played by seafood and meat. Its tiered conveyor belts run in two directions, so you have more to choose from, including meat-and seafood-free creations such as White Button Mushroom (pink plate/$3.20), King Oyster Mushroom (pink plate/$3.20), Kimchee Gunkan (yellow plate/$2.80), Broccoli Sushi (yellow plate/$2.80) and Avocado Sushi (brown plate/$1.50).

“These are popular with our customers, especially the White Button Mushroom,” says owner Jay Kim.

“We serve free miso soup,” he adds, “and we’re starting our summer special: 15 percent discount on all menu items June 17 through July 10.”

Sushi San goes a step further in customer service: A belt that runs beneath the others holds tea cups and complimentary green tea bags. Each seat has a hot water faucet, so you can brew your own tea for free.

There’s nothing fishy about that.


  • Where
    • 1409 Kapiolani Boulevard
    • Honolulu, HI 96814
  • Call
    • (808) 944-0670
  • Hours
    • Open daily
    • 11 a.m. – 10 p.m.
  • Website

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