A Noodle Dish That’s Spot-On

Veg'n Out

June 4, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

As a vegetarian here in the Islands, where Chinese food plays a such big role in local cuisine, you’ve likely eyed fellow diners with envy as they’re chowing down on minute chicken cake noodle.

  • Tofu Vegetable Cake Noodle ($9.95)
  • Manager Norman Wong with one of On On's vegetarian dishes.
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There’s just something about cake noodles. Their palate-pleasing texture complements just about any stir-fry they’re topped with.

Norman Wong, who owns and operates On On at McCully Chinese Restaurant with his parents, Cowan and Faith, and sister Julia, knows a thing or two about cake noodles.

It’s On On’s signature dish. “We’re famous for our cake noodle,” he says. “Crisp on the outside and slightly soft on the inside.”

Exactly. On On offers eight dishes featuring those renowned noodles.

Although usually topped with chicken or seafood, Wong assures Dining Out readers that On On offers several vegetarian dishes — including Tofu Vegetable Cake Noodle ($9.95). This meat-free dish is loaded with an assortment of veggies — choi sum, bamboo shoots, water chestnuts, Chinese peas, baby corn, carrots, mushrooms and more — served on a bed of the delightful crisp-tender noodles. And if you prefer your noodles soft, On On offers an economy-size version of same dish for only $6.50.

When nothing but noodles will do, On On has you — and them — covered famously.

On On at McCully Chinese Restaurant

  • Where
    • 1110 McCully Street
    • Honolulu, HI 96826
  • Call
    • (808) 946-8833
  • Hours
    • Daily
    • 10:30 a.m. – 9:30 p.m.
  • Website

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