Stellar Bakery Shining Bright with Varied Menu

Digest On the Menu

May 28, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

The aroma of freshly baked breads and pastries permeates the air at Fendu Boulangerie in Manoa Marketplace, where owner and chef Niel Koep whips up the finest in European fare on a daily basis at his popular bakery.

  • Brioche Bread Pudding ($3.50)
  • Curried Chicken Salad Sandwich ($7)
  • Owner Niel Koep with the Hamakua Farms Mushroom Mania pizza ($10.99, 8-inch pizza; $17.99, 14-inch)
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Born and raised in New Jersey, Koep received his culinary training from The New York Restaurant School in Manhattan and later obtained a grand diploma from the International Pastry Arts Center in Elmsford, N.Y.

The training came in handy when Koep decided to open Fendu Boulangerie in 2009. Since then he’s featured a varied selection of daily breads, breakfast pastries, pizzas, sandwiches, chicken pot pies, desserts and more.

“People know us best for our breads and pastries, but we offer many other items that are worth trying,” Koep says.

Fendu’s Fresh Favorites

The freshest ingredients are always used at Fendu Boulangerie. “We also do our best to utilize as many local products as possible,” says owner and chef Niel Koep. Here are three items every Fendu diner should have:

Curried Chicken Salad Sandwich ($7)

Roast chicken seasoned with curry and other secret spices served on sweet onion naan bread with tomatoes and fresh farm greens.

Brioche Bread Pudding ($3.50)

Cubed pieces of Fendu’s famous brioche bread with dried figs and raisins, and a nice vanilla custard, baked to perfection. “Our bread pudding is very simple, but very tasty,” Koep says. “It’s the perfect example of comfort food.”

Hamakua Farms Mushroom Mania ($10.99 8-inch, $17.99 14-inch)

A stellar pizza, featuring alii oysters, shimeji and shiitake mushrooms with cracked black pepper.

Fendu Boulangerie

  • Where
    • Manoa Marketplace
    • 2752 Woodlawn Drive #5119
    • Honolulu, HI 96822
  • Call
    • (808) 988-4310
  • Hours
    • 7:30 a.m. – 7 p.m.
    • Tuesday – Saturday
    • 7:30 a.m. – 3 p.m.
    • Sundays
    • Closed Mondays

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