A Dynasty of Exotic, Succulent Flavors

Digest Lite Bites

May 1, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

Follow your senses to Jade Dynasty Seafood Restaurant, conveniently located at Ala Moana Center’s Hookipa Terrace, and discover all the flavors of China right here at home.

  • An exotic array of dishes offered at Jade Dynasty, located at Ala Moana Center's Hookipa Terrace.
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As the first restaurant to open in the U.S. in accordance with Paramount Banquet Halls (which also operates 22 locations throughout Hong Kong), Jade Dynasty does everything on a grander scale. For instance, this restaurant presents its customers with an exquisite array of Hong Kong-style dim sum, including Deep Fried Shrimp Ball ($3.50), Signature Shrimp Dumplings ($3.50), Fresh Orange Juice Balls ($3.50) and Seafood Bean Curd Rolls ($3.50), to name a few.

“We have about 70 different types of dim sum,” says Gary Chan, general manager of the restaurant that opened nearly six months ago.

And according to restaurant director Ave Kwok, Jade Dynasty attracts the appetites of tourists and locals alike. The staff recommends that ordering family-style is your best bet, so that everyone can sample a little of bit of everything.

“We have an appetizer that is pretty unique to Jade Dynasty,” Chan explains, “and that’s our Deep Fried Bean Curd with Egg Yolk ($11.95).”

This unparalleled appetizer tempts diners with its quickly fried pieces of succulent tofu, sauteed with duck egg yolk. Chan says the finished product is one of soft consistency that produces a distinct, yet delicious flavor.

“The duck egg yolk really enhances the flavor and a lot of people seem to like it,” he adds.

Yet another signature dish on the menu is Jade Dynasty’s Stir-Fry Egg White with Scallops ($16.95). This entree appears to be a bestseller here and for those who savor seafood for all its worth, you’ll take pleasure in the fact that this savvy dish features both dry and fresh scallops cooked to perfection with whipped cream and egg whites, then last but not least seasoned with a touch of salt and pepper.

“The dry scallops already have a lot of flavor, so you don’t really have to do much to it,” Chan says.

Jade Dynasty Seafood Restaurant

  • Where
    • Ala Moana Shopping Center, Hookipa Terrace
    • 1450 Ala Moana Boulevard #4220
    • Honolulu, HI 96814
  • Call
    • (808) 947-8818
  • Hours
    • Open daily
    • 10:30 a.m. – 10 p.m.
  • Website

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