Something’s Fishy at Golden Palace

Digest Eat This

April 3, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

Deliciously authentic Chinese cuisine at an affordable price eagerly awaits diners at Golden Palace Seafood on North King Street. And with the cheapest dim sum selection in town, it’s no wonder dim sum lovers are flocking to the restaurant at greet speed.

  • The Golden Pompano ($20) is prepared Chinese-style, slow-fried in oil and topped with diced green onions, parsley, chili pepper and soy sauce.
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Golden Palace opened its doors to royal appetites in December 2001 under the ownership of Howard Lam. Today, Lam’s son, Gary, serves as manager of the eatery. He says that while the dim sum continues to fly off the carts on a daily basis, executive chef Bing Yang Lin has worked his culinary magic to recently create the Golden Pompano ($20). Prepared Chinese-style, Gary speaks highly of this favorable entree.

“The Golden Pompano is slow-fried in oil at a lower temperature, so the meat of the fish doesn’t dry out,” Gary explains, “The fish stays tender and moist, and then it’s topped with diced green onions, parsley, chili pepper and then covered in a special soy sauce.”

Served throughout the day, this respectable fish usually feeds two to three people comfortably when ordered family-style with other palatable entrees.

“We cater to a lot of parties here; our banquet hall can hold up to 450 people,” Gary says. “The Golden Pompano would be a good option for your next party.”

Golden Palace Seafood

  • Where
    • 111 North King Street
    • Honolulu, HI 96817
  • Call
    • (808) 521-8268
  • Hours
    • Open daily
    • 7 a.m. – 10 p.m.

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