Fukuya’s on a Roll These Days

Digest Lite Bites

March 13, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

With all your local Japanese favorites on the deli menu (close to 40 items, to be exact), it’s no wonder Hawaii’s foodies are flocking to Fukuya Deli & Catering on South King Street for a taste of some of the best okazu items around.

  • Teri Beef Roll ($4.75) and Hot Dog Roll ($4.75) are Fukuya specialties.
  • Assorted sushi pack with maki sushi, nori tamago, furikake musubi, shiso musubi, ebi musubi and mini cone sushi ($5.50).
  • A variety of tempura, including vegetable, sweet potato and shrimp.
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According to Arrison Iwahira, Fukuya president and great-grandson of the original founders, Jihei and Tsuya Takayama, the majority of the restaurant’s recipes have been in the family for generations.

Specializing in sushi, mochiko chicken, shoyu pork, nishime, namasu and more, the eatery’s specialty rolls — a simple meal wrapped in a scrumptious roll — are among its top sellers.

“These rolls are something that we conspired and it’s really easy for the kids to eat in the morning on the way to school,” he explains. “The kids and adults love the Hot Dog Roll ($4.75).”

This irresistible roll features furikake, Spam and hot dog nestled in plain rice and wrapped in nori. Barbecue meat fanatics, on the other hand, can’t get enough of the Teri Beef Roll ($4.75), featuring a barbecue meat filling in place of hot dog. Each roll is cut into eight bitesize pieces — great for people on the go.

For traditionalists who prefer classic homemade sushi, Fukuya Deli & Catering also has just what you want and need — be it maki sushi, cone sushi and everything in between.

“When it comes to our traditional maki sushi ($4.75), we use a special sushi rice with a hint of vinegar,” says Iwahira. “In the center of the roll you’ll find dried shrimp flakes, tuna, egg, kampyo, kamaboko and water-cress. It’s sold at one roll per container.”

And for the indecisive diner who wants to sample a bit of everything sushi, spoil yourself with an assorted sushi pack ($4.75) consisting of two maki sushi, two cucumber maki, two takuan maki and two mini cone sushi. Or how about another assorted pack complete with two maki sushi, one nori tamago (egg), one furikake musubi, one shiso musubi, two mini cone sushi and one ebi (shrimp flakes) musubi for the affordable price of $5.50? Add on vegetable tempura ($1.25), sweet potato tempura ($1.25) and shrimp tempura ($1.50), and it’s just what you need to settle a rumbling stomach.

“The sushi items are all really popular here, and on the weekends we make at least 100 rolls because many people purchase it as a snack for after their kids’ soccer games or other sporting events,” Iwahira states. “It’s something a bit different from your average Spam musubi.”

While there, don’t forget to inquire within about Fukuya’s catering options as well.

Fukuya Deli and Catering

  • Where
    • 2710 South King Street
    • Honolulu, HI 96826
  • Call
    • (808) 946-2073
  • Hours
    • 6 a.m. – 2 p.m.
    • Wednesday – Sunday
  • Website

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