Waking Up at Ocean House

Digest On the Menu

February 20, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

Fantasies become reality at the Ocean House, located beachfront in the Outrigger Reef Hotel. Once they step foot into the establishment, diners are presented with fabulous cuisine amid spectacular oceanfront views of Waikiki and Diamond Head.

  • Fresh Fruit Sunrise ($13)
  • Fresh Fruit Sunrise ($13)
  • Neptune Omelette ($16)
  • Belgian Waffles ($14)
  • Belgian Waffles ($14)
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The Ocean House exudes casual elegance, and since opening its doors nine years ago, the restaurant expanded its repertoire by beginning to serve its early bird diners in December 2009.

So, start off your day the right way and partake in a hearty breakfast in a relaxing, stress-free environment. Breakfast manager Chris Cole was more than happy to share with Dining Out a few of the top breakfast items that have guests up and at ’em by the crack of dawn.

Top Breakfast Items

Belgian Waffles ($14)

A light and crispy waffle topped with your choice of fresh wild berries or bananas.

“I’d have to say our waffle is the most popular item on the breakfast menu, especially with the kids,” Cole says. “Some people order the waffles with a side of bacon or a couple of scrambled eggs — it really makes a well-rounded and filling meal.”

Neptune Omelette ($16)

This omelet features blue crab seasoned with oyster sauce, sweet chili, celery, onions, green onions and applewood smoked bacon, topped with a succulent lobster cream sauce.

Fresh Fruit Sunrise ($13)

A pineapple bowl filled to the brim with an assortment of fresh fruit, topped with Greek yogurt flavored with honey and a touch of granola.

Ocean House

  • Where
    • Outrigger Reef Hotel
    • 2169 Kalia Road
    • Honolulu, HI 96815
  • Call
    • (808) 923-2277
  • Hours
    • Breakfast served daily
    • 7 a.m. – 11 a.m.
    • Dinner served daily
    • 5 pm. – 10 p.m.
  • Notes
    • Valet parking available.
  • Website

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