Savoring the Flavor Found at Kai’s ‘Dinner Table’

Digest Eat This

February 6, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

Kai Market, located at the Sheraton Waikiki Hotel, creates a dining experience that encompasses every aspect of the 50th State’s diverse melting pot.

  • Kai Market's Five-spiced Hoisin Braised Boneless Beef Short Ribs
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Executive chef Darren Demaya and his team prepare a variety of succulent creations each night, all featuring a farm-to-table concept that highlights the freshest locally grown products.

“Generally, we run about 14 hot items in our buffet and also offer eight different salads, soups and 12 to 14 different desserts,” Demaya says. “We’re a casual dining restaurant, but people might say our food also falls under the category of fine dining.

“We don’t call ourselves a buffet; we call ourselves a dinner table — everything is made in small batches, so everything is nice and fresh, and isn’t sitting for a long time,” he adds. “It’s a good quality of product that we serve.”

For instance, the Five-spiced Hoisin Braised Boneless Beef Short Ribs and the Garlic and Gingered Black Manila Clams (offered Friday, Saturday and Monday nights) are two menu items that could be considered the epitome of local cuisine.

“The braised shortribs are braised with soy, ginger, green onion and garlic and then glazed with Hoisin five-spice glaze,” Demaya explains.

“Surrounded by the spare ribs are slices of a Szechuan-style eggplant. Basically, we’re taking two dishes and combining it into one. The eggplant is seasoned with chili, garlic, soy and black pepper. The eggplant and meat pair well together because the meat is sweet and the eggplant is on the spicier side,” he says.

As for the Garlic and Gingered Black Manila Clams, Demaya creates an appetizing dish with a local Chinese flair.

“It’s prepared in your classic black bean sauce with ginger, garlic and white onions. I then season it with oyster sauce and finish it off by garnishing it with green onions and red and green bell peppers. It’s one of our staple dishes.” green onions, and red and green bell peppers. It’s one of our staple dishes.”

Kai Market offers its Seafood Nights menu Friday and Saturday, and its Paniolo Nights menu Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. Adults pay $55, while keiki between the ages of 6 and 12 pay $24.50. On Monday and Wednesday nights, check out the regular menu at $51 per adult and $24.50 for keiki (6-12). Also, ask about the kamaaina discount and the special price for kupuna.

Kai Market

  • Where
    • Sheraton Waikiki Hotel
    • 2255 Kalakaua Avenue
    • Honolulu, HI 96815
  • Call
    • (808) 931-4600

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