Sold on Monsoon’s Exquisite Fare

Veg'n Out

February 6, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

We all have our cravings, and as savvy Dining Out readers know, just because you don’t eat meat doesn’t mean you have to miss out on the myriad of flavor-rich ethnic foods found here on Oahu.

  • Baingan Bartha ($15.95)
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And when it comes to flavor, in my book Indian food is at the top of the list. The fragrant, savory cuisine combines a variety of exotic spices to enhance its dishes, such as all those mouthwatering curries for which it’s known.

If Indian food is what you crave, look no further than Monsoon India, conveniently located in Discovery Bay Center in Waikiki. Bring along your family and friends, as there are plenty of options for everyone on the extensive menu of authentic recipes.

And for those who choose not to eat meat, an entire section of the menu is devoted to vegetarian fare.

“We have a large selection and good variety,” says owner Imran Khan, who recommends the meat- and dairy-free Baingan Bartha ($15.95), fire-roasted eggplant simmered with tomatoes, onions and those wonderful exotic spices. It’s not spicy hot, but if you’re in the mood for more heat, just ask when you place your order. Chef Kishore Sharma, who has extensive experience in preparing traditional tan-door cuisine, is more than happy to accommodate you.

“If someone wants it spicy, we’ll make it spicy,” assures Kahn.

Back to those mouthwatering curries, another option is the ever-popular Vegetable Masala ($16), fresh vegetables in a tomato and cream-based sauce with just the right blend of herbs and spices — just one of the tantalizing meat-free curries listed on the menu.

To complete your meal, there’s a variety of breads baked fresh in the tandoor oven, from onion or garlic naan to one that caught my eye (and my appetite), Aloo Paratha, an unleavened whole wheat bread stuffed with potatoes, green peas and spices ($3.95), perfect for soaking up all that goodness.

Monsoon India

  • Where
    • Discovery Bay Center
    • 1778 Ala Moana Boulevard
    • Honolulu, HI 96815
  • Call
    • (808) 941-5111
  • Hours
    • Lunch daily 12 p.m. – 2 p.m.
    • Dinner daily 5 p.m. – 10 p.m.

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