Osso Bucco, More on Paesano’s Menu

Digest Eat This

January 23, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

Serving it up Italian-style, Paesano Ristorante Italiano has just what you need when searching for quality food at an affordable price.

Located within Waimalu Plaza Shopping Center and Manoa Marketplace, owner Billy Rattanasamay and wife Nila have worked hard to make Paesano the perfect place to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries and other special occasions.

  • The chef-recommended Osso Bucco and Shrimp Alla Bolla ($28.90) comes with two jumbo shrimp and four sea scallops.
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With more than 80 pasta dishes on the menu, there’s something for everyone — even the most indecisive diner. However, Rattanasamay recommends that diners have a taste of the chef’s special Osso Bucco and Shrimp Alla Bolla ($28.90). According to executive chef Gerry Quach, this customer favorite is braised for three hours with onion, white wine, beef stock, tomato sauce and celery. Brought to a slow simmer, it’s then seasoned with salt and pepper, to taste. The dish also includes two jumbo shrimp and four sea scallops, served with snap peas in a white wine and butter sauce over linguine.

Paesano Ristorante Italiano is open daily from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. (lunch) and 5 to 9 p.m. (dinner).

Paesano Ristorante Italiano

  • Where
    • Waimalu Plaza Shopping Center
    • 98-1277 Kaahumanu Street
    • Aiea, HI 96701
    • Manoa Marketplace
    • 2752 Woodlawn Drive
    • Honolulu, HI 96822
  • Call
    • (808) 485-8883 (Aiea)
    • (808) 988-5923 (Manoa)

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