J2 Asian Fusion

Digest Tableside

January 23, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

  • Chef and owner JJ Luangkhot mixing the enriched French bread known as brioche.
  • The Southeast Meets West ($12.95) dish can be served as an appetizer or a la carte item.
  • Sweet Corn Parfait with Chocolate Haupia Sauce ($5.50)
  • Leng Pouthichai and Bou Souphilavong.
  • Sanyoe Putavon and Pornthip Potongsunant.
  • Smoked Salmon Carpaccio ($7.95)
  • M. Pothisen and Georleen Bacalso.
  • Natta Luangkhot, Daoxay Sophavandy and Catherine Chung.
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Amenu replete with Asian-style cuisine and presented with French flair is on full display at J2 Asian Fusion, which opened earlier this month at 3441 Waialae Ave. Featuring soups, salads, entrees, Hot Pot du jour, desserts and pastries, J2 Asian Fusion possesses the necessary ingredients to attract people of all appetites. Call 626-5368.

J2 Asian Fusion

  • Where
    • 3441 Waialae Avenue
    • Honolulu, HI 96816
  • Call
    • (808) 626-5368

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