Fendu Launches New Pot Pie Dish

There’s no need to venture off to Europe to feast on European breads and pastries when you can have it all right here at home — at Fendu Boulangerie, to be exact.

  • Fendu owner and chef Niel Koep with a basket full of fresh bread.
  • The all-natural Island Style Chicken Pot Pie debuts today.
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Owner and chef Niel Koep opened this bakery in Manoa Marketplace in March 2009, and since then has been greeting customers with a varied selection of daily breads, breakfast pastries, pizzas, sandwiches, desserts and more.

Today, he debuts his new Island Style Chicken Pot Pie (regular $9.50, petite $5.50).

“It’s comfort food; it’s something that everyone understands,” Koep says. “It’s 100 percent all-natural, there’s no hydrogenated shortenings and it’s made with fresh vegetables, chicken (white and dark meat) and fresh butter.”

And Koep makes it a point to support local farmers as well, using fresh taro, green papaya and bok choy, among other items, in bringing a bit of the islands to his pot pie.

“The taro cooks just like a potato and it has a very nice texture when intermixed with the pot pie,” he explains, adding that the pot pie makes for a great lunch or early dinner.

“It’s a classic chicken pot pie with fresh vegetables and chicken stock. The whole thing is bound with a cream sauce, topped with pot pie dough and then baked in the oven.”

Fendu Boulangerie

  • Where
    • Manoa Marketplace
    • 2752 Woodlawn Drive #5119
    • Honolulu, HI 96822
  • Call
    • (808) 988-4310
  • Hours
    • 7:30 a.m. – 7 p.m.
    • Tuesday – Saturday
    • 7:30 a.m. – 3 p.m.
    • Sundays
    • Closed Mondays

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