Camellia Opens Up with Fresh Oysters

Digest Foodie Fare

January 30, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

The buffet menu over at Camellia Buffet is getting an upgrade, and what better way to introduce new items than with fresh raw oysters straight from Korea.

  • Still uncooked kal-bi with spicy pork.
  • Fresh oysters are now offered for dinner.
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“When you have the same thing, it gets tiring. We needed something fresh,” says Kenji Ha, brother of restaurant owner June Ha.

Like everything else in the buffet line, the oysters are all-you-can-eat, so scoop them up before everyone else does. The oysters are available only at dinner service Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and are included in the dinner buffet price of $21.95.

On the Side

This year Camellia Buffet celebrates its 26th anniversary at its McCully Street location, where foodies in the know regularly flock for some authentic Korean-style specialties in the all-you-can-eat buffet line: kim chee, taegu, fresh-cut vegetables, fried rice, Chap Chai noodles, kal-bi, bulgogi, spicy marinated pork, red bean soup … with more than 50 items up for grabs, the flavor combinations are endless.

The most current owner of this yakiniku hot spot is June Ha, who took over operations last year. Despite the change in management, everything else has remained the same, including the talented staff and tasty food prepared by the diners thanks to tabletop propane gas grills located throughout the dining room.

“We have history, that’s very important,” says Kenji Ha, June’s brother. “If it was junk, it’d be closed already, but being opened 26 years, that means something.”

Camellia Buffet

  • Where
    • 930 McCully Street
    • Honolulu, HI 96826
  • Call
    • (808) 951-0511
  • Hours
    • Open daily
    • 10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
    • 3 p.m. – 10 p.m.
  • Notes
    • Free parking available.

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