Anytime Cafe

Digest Tableside

January 9, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

  • Cook Sonny Laforteza prepares shrimp scampi at the grill.
  • Baked Pork Chop with Fried Rice ($11.95) comes with onions, garlic bread and soup or salad.
  • Pete and Sharonne Pascua with Patricia and Nolan Chang.
  • Kyle Okamoto and Nigel Yung.
  • Edna, Archie and Les Loo.
  • Wayne Tokimura and Earl Kiyabu.
  • Lapho Cheung and Bianca Yu.
  • Diana and Frank Lim with Joanna and Tim Ming.
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With a menu featuring a fusion of Italian and Chinese dishes as well as contemporary American classics, Anytime Cafe, located in Market City Shopping Center, is fast becoming a popular destination for many of Honolulu’s foodies. Favorite dishes include Salted Pepper Pork Chops ($6.95) and Loco Moco ($9.50). Call 735-3888 or visit the website, www.anytimecafehawaii.com.

Anytime Cafe

  • Where
    • Market City Shopping Center
    • 2919 Kapiolani Boulevard
    • Honolulu, HI 96826
  • Call
    • (808) 735-3888

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