Giving Veggie Pasta a Twirl

Veg'n Out

January 23, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

For me, there’s nothing like a plate of pasta. I could, and admittedly sometimes do, eat some version of it day after day. And for those who don’t wish to eat meat, it’s a flavorful, filling and healthy way to satisfy your appetite, and almost always a good choice when dining out.

  • The Veggie Pasta ($16.95) at Atlantis Seafood and Steak is perfect for those who prefer meat-free dishes.
  • Only garden-fresh vegetables are used for Atlantis' lone vegetarian entree, according to manager Frank Bennett.
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Atlantis Seafood and Steak on Kalakaua Avenue in the midst of Waikiki (in the old Waikiki 3 Theater location), with its charming aquatic theme, boasts a lovely, spacious dining room where large groups can gather for great food with Waikiki views. Or if you prefer a more intimate setting, you can order from the full menu on the lanai for a romantic dinner for two. With plenty of parking and a 10 percent kama`aina discount (with valid ID), it’s an ideal spot to celebrate a special occasion.

There’s just one thing. You choose not to eat seafood or steak, which obviously reign supreme here, but you don’t want to miss out on the ambiance and camaraderie.

Great news, veggie lovers. There’s something for everyone at Atlantis Seafood and Steak, and this dish has your name all over it.

Veggie Pasta ($16.95) features a variety of sauteed fresh garden vegetables tossed with spaghettini and the restaurant’s own marinara sauce — and it’s meat-free.

“We use whatever fresh vegetables are available that day,” says manager Frank Bennett.

So while your family and friends are digging into their lobster or rib eye, you can twirl your fork and veg out happily right in the heart of Waikiki.

Atlantis Seafood & Steak

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