Page 2 - Dining Out - Jan 9, 2022
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     Restaurant Insider with Anne Lee
 ANNE LEE A loooha! Danny Kaleikini, the Ambas- order a la carte. There is limited seating; res- AL: Where was your first performance?
sador of Aloha (former Gov. John
Waihee gave him the moniker in 1988), was born into a family of eight children. Raised in Papakolea, his humble roots taught him how to share the aloha. Everyone in their household contributed by doing their share. In fact, a 5-year-old Danny sold copies of The Honolulu Advertiser and also shined shoes by Hawaii Theatre to help his family.
The Kahala Hotel & Resort will honor him at a special event from 5 to 7 p.m. Jan. 26, commem- orating his 30 years of dedicated service and the renaming of its front drive to Danny Kaleikini Square.The evening will feature Plumeria Beach House’s menu with all of Danny’s favorites to
Dining Out is a weekly advertising supplement published by the Honolulu Star-Advertiser.
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ervations are required online at kahalaresort. com. A portion of the proceeds of the event’s sales will be donated to the Danny Kaleikini Foundation. Don’t miss this special dinner.
AL: How did you get into this music industry?
DK: Growing up, our friends and family would gather in our backyard with instruments, and we would play music, sing, and share food and drink. It was really on-the-job training. At Kawa- nanakoa Middle School, I learned to play the trumpet and it started from there. I attended Roosevelt High School and joined their choir, and my grandfather taught me how to play the nose flute.
DK: I started at The Waikiki Sands, which was owned by Ruddy Tongg, founder of Aloha Air- lines. I was working in baggage and one of my co-workers encouraged me to go and perform there. This led to The Kahala and I signed a large contract. I was so honored.
AL: Through the years, there have been so many things you’ve seen and famous people you’ve met. Tell me about this experience. DK: Many locals would come and watch my performance, and many movie stars — Sylves- ter Stallone, Donny and Marie Osmond, Dolly Parton, Michael Jackson, John F. Kennedy, Prince Charles and Lady Diana — we went to their
Nicole Monton
Phone: 808-529-4857
Anne Lee
Phone: 808-347-1093
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Dining Out
/ Jan. 9-15, 2022

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