This year, you owe it to yourself to forgo the endless planning, prep work and cooking involved in putting a grandiose Thanksgiving meal on the table, and allow one of Hawaii’s premier full-service catering companies to cater to your every holiday need.

Oven Roasted Turkey Package ($107.95)
With nearly four decades of knowledge and know-how under its belt, A Catered Experience is poised to make this your most effortlessly successful Turkey Day yet. The company now is accepting orders for its Oven Roasted Turkey Packages ($107.95 each), which may be picked up on Thanksgiving and brought home to enjoy.
The Oven Roasted Turkey Package comes complete with all one could hope for in a Thanksgiving feast, including 4 pounds of poultry gravy; 4 pounds of real mashed potatoes; 3 pounds of stuffing; 1 pound of cranberry/ pineapple relish; 12 dinner rolls; and a pumpkin pie from Napoleon’s Bakery — all to complement the namesake tender and juicy, whole-roasted turkey.
According to general manager Ron Hattori, many of Hawaii’s families have been enjoying A Catered Experience’s Thanksgiving packages for more than 20 years, and the lavish meals are quite popular among senior community members. “It’s all about convenience. Cooking turkey takes up a lot of time, and especially now, we’ve been getting a lot of feedback from seniors saying, ‘Thank you so much, we don’t have to slave away in the kitchen anymore,'” says Hattori.
In addition to being an efficient and practical solution for many island residents, A Catered Experience’s turkey sets also have plenty of room for customization. A number of accompaniments are available to add just the right flavors to your holiday celebration (see box at right).

Ten to 12 pounds (cooked weight) of juicy, oven-roasted turkey will be hot, fully cooked and ready to devour.
To order an Oven Roasted Turkey Package and accompaniments, call 677-7744, mail in an order (by Nov. 13) to the company’s office (see contact box for address) or reserve your feast online (by Nov. 20) at You can pick up your order on Thanksgiving Day from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Hawaii Okinawa Center’s parking lot (94-587 Ukee St.) in Waipahu. “You can just drive up to the tent, pass us the receipt, and we’ll load your car,” explains Hattori.
Whether you know you’ll need more poultry gravy ($5.25, 2 pounds) to pass around the table, or you’d like to buff up your dessert spread with Apple or Custard Pie from Napoleon’s Bakery ($8.75 each), be sure to supplement your Oven Roasted Turkey Package with a plethora of accompaniments from A Catered Experience.
Many customers add on to their holiday meals with local favorites such as No. 1-seller maki sushi roll ($4.50, presented uncut), potato/macaroni salad ($7.25, 2 pounds) or chicken nishime ($12.50, 2 pounds), the last of which calls for a lengthy cooking process. A Catered Experience does all the work for you, preparing its nishime with konyaku, an array of vegetables and chicken simmering in a savory Osaka-style broth.
- Napoleon’s Bakery Custard, Apple and Pumpkin Pies ($8.75 each)
- Potato/macaroni salad ($7.25, 2 pounds) and steamed vegetables ($9, 2 pounds)
- Chicken nishime ($12.50, 2 pounds) and maki sushi roll ($4.50, pictured cut)
Upon placing your order, you also can request extra dinner rolls ($4.75 per dozen), real mashed potatoes ($7.50, 2 pounds), Pumpkin Pie ($8.75), stuffing ($8, 3 pounds), pineapple/cranberry relish ($3.75, half pound) and steamed vegetables ($9, 2 pounds).
A Catered Experience
94-1068 Ka Uka Blvd., Waipahu
Monday-Saturday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sunday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
A Catered Experience accepts checks and credit card payments. Any cash payments must be made in person at the company’s office.
Waipahu, HI 96797
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