Sikdorak Keeps Meat Lovers Satisfied

Columns Ethnic Faves

April 10, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

From the historical record, yakiniku cuisine is said to have originated from Korean immigrants living in Japan — specifically, Osaka — after the second world war. Regardless of whether the historical record is true or not, many will agree that Sikdorak Korean Restaurant, located in the Sam Sung plaza off Keeaumoku Street, is a great place to enjoy this culinary technique.

  • The Spicy Pork ($8.95) is marinated in both an original ginger and soy sauce mix.
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For meat lovers of the pork or beef flavor, Sikdorak has a seat for you. One of the highlights on the menu is Spicy Pork, made from pork braut. It is lightly marinated in both an original ginger and soy sauce mix.

“I worked in yakiniku restaurants for 10 years making new sauces. This is a different style than in Korea, but people from here seem to really like this one,” says restaurant owner Patrick Choi.

You can enjoy the Spicy Pork by itself, but for $19.95 ($16.95 for children under 12) Sikdorak’s All-You-Can-Eat meal gives the meat lover in you a chance to engulf as much of the spicy pork desired, not to mention the plethora of other meat choices available. Personally grilled within arm’s reach, diners may choose from spicy pork, kalbi short ribs, beef brisket, ribeye steak, pork belly, barbecue chicken, tripe and, for the adventurous types, tongue.

“The All-You-Can-Eat is good and it is cheap, and it’s meant for family and friends,” Choi adds.

If there are two people who can validate the Spicy Pork, it would have to be Choi’s sons, Richard and Robert.

“It is very delicious,” remarks Richard.

“It is my favorite,” Robert adds. Along with your meat, Sikdorak’s guests also will enjoy lettuce salad, miso soup, two types of kim chee, white rice, and banchan or side of the day, which includes seaweed, potato, cucumber and more.

On top of that, Sikdorak is open 24 hours a day, and invites you to bring your own beer or wine.

Sikdorak Korean Restaurant

  • Where
    • 655 Keeaumoku Street #108
    • Honolulu, HI 96814
  • Call
    • (808) 949-2890
  • Hours
    • Open 24 hours

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