Hanaki Restaurant

Head down to Hanaki in Manoa Marketplace “to be your own chef” and get your shabu shabu on. No matter what you’re craving, Hanaki has the soup for you: Konbu, Miso, Curry, Seafood, Spicy, Beef, Sukiyaki and Healthy Herb.

(from left) Erine Torio and James Kim

Dining Out caught up with James Kim and Erine Torio earlier this week as they were having dinner. Kim says they eat at Hanaki about once a week. Both enjoy Sukiyaki Shabu Shabu ($5 per bowl) and the Shrimp Tempura ($4.50 side order). Sukiyaki Shabu Shabu is made with shoyu and sugar, which makes for a sweet taste that will satisfy your palate.

Hanaki also has combination plate options: two-choice plate ($9.95) and three-choice plate ($12.95). Combination plates come with choices such as Shrimp Tempura, Fried Fish Katsu, Chicken Karaage, Tako Yaki, Homemade Gau Gee, Deep Fried Oysters, Teriyaki Chicken, Vegetable Tempura, Grilled Butterfish Bones, Teriyaki Tofu and Misoyaki Butterfish.

There also is an area where you can “grab your own food.” Dishes come in green bowls ($2.50), red bowls ($3.50) and plates ($4.50). Rice, hot tea and desserts are available for $1.50 as well.

Here’s what Kim and Torio had to say about their experience at Hanaki Restaurant:

James Kim: “We got the Sukiyaki Shabu Shabu ($5 per bowl). We don’t know how to make it, so we come here, and you can control the way you want to cook your meat. It’s fast, convenient and efficient, and it’s pretty healthy.”

Erine Torio: “The workers are very welcoming. We also get the Shrimp Tempura ($4.50 side order).”

Hanaki Restaurant

  • Where
    • Manoa Marketplace
    • 2756 Woodlawn Drive
    • Honolulu, HI 96822
  • Call
    • (808) 988-1551
  • Hours
    • 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
    • 5 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
    • Wednesday – Monday
    • Closed on Tuesdays
  • Notes
    • Free parking available.

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