Satisfy your sweet tooth at local bakery

Mixed Fruit Tart and Strawberry Tart ($4.75 each) Lawrence Tabudlo photos

Mixed Fruit Tart and Strawberry Tart ($4.75 each)
Lawrence Tabudlo photos

Walk into Cake Works and you’ll immediately fall in love with the display case featuring every sweet tooth’s dream, from cupcakes to macarons. It’s no wonder, as chef and owner Abigail Langlas says she has a “serious sweet tooth” herself. “That’s why I got into pastries,” she admits.

Langlas has an impressive culinary background in French pastry art, and opened Cake Works on South King Street more than seven years ago. It’s a cozy little bakery with a large operation — there are gourmet breakfast pastries, scones, decorated cookies and much more. Langlas and her team also are famous for creating custom cakes for weddings, birthdays, graduations and any other special occasion.

For pastry lovers with a gluten allergy, there’s good news: Cake Works has a gluten-free “cake of the month,” which currently is Mocha Macadamia, and there also are gluten-free cupcakes regularly available in the store. “People can also make a special order for gluten-free cakes and cup-cakes,” says Langlas.

(From top left) Green Tea Matcha and Azuki Eclair, Clamondin Lime Meringue Eclair, Chocolate Hazenut Eclair, Salted Caramel Eclair ($4.75 each)

(From top left) Green Tea Matcha and Azuki Eclair, Clamondin Lime Meringue Eclair, Chocolate Hazenut Eclair, Salted
Caramel Eclair ($4.75 each)

What also sets Cake Works apart from other pastry shops is how Langlas continues to introduce new items to her menu. The most recent additions are four new eclairs: Melted Salted Caramel, Calamondin Lime Meringue, Chocolate Hazel-nut and Green Tea Matcha Azuki.

Langlas’ favorites? Melted Salted Caramel and Calamondin Lime Meringue. “The calamondin (also know as calamansi) is a Filipino citrus fruit — it tastes almost like a sour tangerine,” Langlas says.

Also new at Cake Works are Strawberry Fruit Tart and Mixed Fruit Tart, which includes strawberry, kiwi, orange raspberry, blueberry and pineapple. The eclairs and tarts are both $4.75 each.

A tip: If you want to make sure that you get your favorite items, Langlas advises customers to call ahead and reserve or arrive at the pastry shop by noon.

Cake Works

2820 S. King St., Honolulu
Daily, 9 a.m.-7 p.m,. and until 6 p.m. on Sundays

Honolulu, HI 96826

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