A Truly Spirited ‘Evening’ Planned at Beachhouse

It will be a night worthy of an upscale four-course menu and specially selected brown spirits when Beachhouse at the Moana hosts an “Evening with The Browns” at 6 p.m. this Friday, May 27.

  • Maui French onion soup topped with four-cheese gratin and scallion crouton.
  • Terrine of Hudson Valley froie gras and fresh ahi with Nalo greens and blueberry gelee.
  • Veal Three Ways
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Priced at $99 per person, the menu and whiskey pairing feature the culinary work of Beachhouse chef de cuisine Rodney Uyehara, who is collaborating with Beam Global Spirits & Wine to present a memorable evening.

Guests will have the opportunity to sample a variety of whiskies, including Laphroaig 18 years, Ardmore Scotch, Marker’s Mark Bourbon and Ri1 Rye. Southern Wine & Spirits mixologist Chandra Lam also will be preparing mixed cocktails for the evening using these particular whiskies.

The exclusive menu will be limited to 60 seats, and available by reservations only. For reservations or more information, call 921-4600.

There are four parts, of course

The four-course menu offers exquisite cuisine with a specific cocktail, paired perfectly for each dish. Diners will be amazed by each course.

First Course

Terrine of Hudson Valley froie gras and fresh ahi with Nalo greens and blueberry gelee

Second Course

Maui French onion soup topped with four cheese gratin and scallion crouton

Third Course | Veal Three Ways

• Roasted veal wrapped in Pancetta with morel demi
• Veal sweetbread katsu with a miso scotch vinaigrette
• Braised veal cheek in natural sauce

Fourth Course

Kona chocolate volcano cake with raspberry lava sauce

Beachhouse at the Moana

  • Where
    • The Moana Surfrider
    • 2365 Kalakaua Avenue
    • Honolulu, HI 96815
  • Call
    • (808) 921-4600 (for reservations)
  • Hours
    • Open daily
    • 5:30 p.m. – 10 p.m.

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