A High ‘Steaks’ Act

ANNE LEE speaks with Guinness World Records holder BLAKE WALLENDA

The definition of a circus is a talent show that’s built to astound and entertain the entire family, and The Super American Circus 2023 does just that. One of the headliners is Guinness World Records holder Blake Wallenda, a tightrope walker from the world renowned Wallenda family. He’s celebrating the three-year anniversary of a death-defying skywalk (204 feet across, 15 stories high) above Ala Moana Honolulu by Mantra with no tether or net.

Grilled Asparagus ($13.50) and Truffle Mashed Potatoes ($9.95)

It only made sense to meet Blake at the top of the hotel at The Signature Prime Steak & Seafood. We dined on some of the restaurant’s popular dishes while I learned more about this incredible artist and what guests can expect to see at this magnificent show.

AL: Blake, you have an amazing family history of more than seven generations performing in the circus. How did you get your start?

Seared King Salmon ($43.95)

BW: I was literally born into this — my family has over 300 years performing and has a total of 19 Guinness World Records. I can’t even remember the first time I walked on a tightrope. I think I was about 4 when I first performed.

There is a sense of fear, but you have to think of this as a sense of respect of the controlled environment, respecting all the dangers and hazards of what you are going to do. You lead up to the level of no tether — all the training and practicing leading up to the point of confidence and ability to perform the act, and gradually you build your confidence. I honestly believe it’s 70% mental, 30% physical.

Prime New York Strip (16 ounces, $59.95)

My family was involved in all aspects of the circus. My mother raised lions and tigers, and I grew up with them in our house. I grew up everywhere, but I do call Sarasota, Florida, my home. It’s a magical place and also the circus capital of the world.

AL: If you start a family, will you keep the legacy going? BW: Absolutely. I will do my best to teach them our heritage and culture that I was blessed to be a part of but will not make them feel forced as that would take the fun out of it.

Beef Carpaccio ($19.95)

AL: The Signature Prime Steak & Seafood was your restaurant of choice. What did you order for us to try?

BW: This is one of my favorite restaurants on Oahu, their steaks and seafood are incredible. Being in this profession, your body is your temple. I try to be as healthy as I can, but more so, I am not just an athlete, I’m also a performer. I do try to eat more proteins, vegetables that are low in carbs and no sugars, and keep caffeine to a minimum. We do exert our bodies in training, set up, traveling and keeping our minds stress free, but at the end of the day I know that I will be treating myself to a nice steak after my performance.

The Beef Carpaccio ($19.95) is one of the best carpaccios I have ever had. You can taste the capers and tenderness of the beef. It’s a generous portion to start the meal.

The Prime New York Strip (16 ounces, $59.95) has a bit of a crunch with every bite and is buttery and tender. You can’t go wrong with this steak. Plus, it’s big enough to feed two people.

This restaurant’s cuts of meat are 42-to-48-day wet-aged USDA certified prime steaks, served with butter on sizzling hot plates heated to 300 degrees fahrenheit.

It’s also known for an array of fresh seafood selections. I ordered the Seared King Salmon ($43.95), which is also one of my favorites. The Truffle Mashed Potatoes ($9.95 or complimentary with a meal) is a must with every steak order. And, we can’t forget the Grilled Asparagus ($13.50). It also has an extensive list of wines by the glass.

AL: Anything else you want to share?

BW: I have set the world’s record for the longest headstand on the wire, and later on this year, which we haven’t publicly announced yet, I will attempt to walk the tightrope while a motorcycle jumps over me at the world’s largest motorcycle rally in Sturgis, South Dakota.

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The Signature Prime Steak & Seafood

Ala Moana Honolulu by Mantra 410 Atkinson Drive, 36th floor, Honolulu 808-949-3636

410 Atkinson Dr 36th floor, Honolulu, HI 96814