Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! All the world over, this familiar phrase has become synonymous with rapturous visions of a caped and spandex-clad childhood hero who saves the day. But this week, it’s sushi, not Superman that is receiving our awed attention and applause.
But what’s so special about sushi, you ask? David Moon, director of purchasing at Genki Sushi, will tell you that not every sushi spot is special (or super), but it’s those that set themselves apart from the rest that really shine. And according to Moon, Genki is among the best and brightest.
“Genki Sushi is a unique Japanese experience,” he explains. “We serve fresh, quality sushi in a unique atmosphere, and we challenge our employees to never stop improving and upgrading their skills.”
- Agedashi Tofu ($3)
- Namasu ($2.40)
- Ocean Salad ($1.65)
And what do these upgrades entail, you may wonder? Moon describes a modern setup that would make even the likes of George Jetson jealous, stating that Genki Sushi now offers customers (at most locations), “quality sushi served on a revolving conveyor belt that utilizes unique, modern technology — a touch panel ordering system known as the bullet express — designed for delivery right to the table” (with superman-like speed, mind you).
As for employees and chefs improving their skills, Veg’n Out gives them a workout this week, asking them to exercise their creative culinary muscles by bringing their best veggie brawn to the table. Here are the three powerhouse plates they were flexing and flaunting:
Genki’s newest addition, Namasu ($2.40), features a refreshing mix of pickled cucumber, carrots and daikon. Its Ocean Salad ($1.65) presents a simple yet satisfying spread of seaweed with flavorful sesame oil.
Agedashi Tofu ($3) packs a superhero-sized flavor punch, comprised of tofu finely dusted in corn starch before being deliciously fried and served in Genki’s house dashi.
When asked what he hoped someone who had never visited or eaten at Genki would experience, Moon readily replied that he desires that their time at Genki would “take their tastes to a different place.” And with speed that rivals superman, and a modern mojo that even George Jetson can jive with, we’d say Genki Sushi has already honed the niche of teleporting taste buds to a different dimension.
Genki Sushi
Aina Haina Shopping Center
820 W. Hind Drive, Suite 102, Honolulu (with additional locations)
Monday–Thursday, 11 a.m.-9 p.m.
Friday–Saturday, 11 a.m.-10 p.m.
Sunday, 11 a.m.-9 p.m.
820 West Hind Drive #102, Honolulu, HI 96821
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