Ocean House Amazes

Digest Lite Bites

March 3, 2012

Story By: Dining Out Team |

At Ocean House in the Outrigger Reef Hotel on Waikiki Beach, it’s a fine-dining experience — first-class service, flavorful food and exquisite presentation — in a casual, island setting.

  • Seafood Lau Lau ($31.50)
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Add a beautiful sunset, scenic views of Diamond Head and the Pacific Ocean, and maybe even see a dancing whale in the distance, and it’s the perfect setting for any occasion.

The restaurant offers a great menu of organic Island greens, fresh fish and seafood, Hawaiian-salt slow-roasted black angus prime rib and more.

For those with special dietary needs or preferences, there’s also a great selection of gluten-free dishes, such as the signature Seafood Lau Lau ($31.50) featuring mahi mahi, shrimp, scallops, luau leaves and Molokai sweet potato sauteed with a garlic, soy, sake and butter sauce, wrapped in ti-leaf and served with Jasmine rice.

Other popular gluten-free dishes are Ocean House Salad ($7.50) with organic greens and a homemade minted guava vinaigrette; as well as Sizzling Ahi Carpaccio ($14.50) featuring a sizzling combination of sesame and peanut oil drizzled over the ahi, sprinkled with togarashi and Hawaiian salt, served over a bed of radish sprouts with Maui onion and green onion, and topped with a gluten-free soy sauce.

There are about a dozen dinner menu items noted as gluten-free, however, general manager David Nagaishi notes that, if requested, many of the other dishes can be tailored to a gluten-free diet. There’s also a breakfast menu with about half a dozen dishes marked gluten-free, and the award-winning Ocean House Loco Moco.

The family-friendly restaurant also offers a dinner keiki menu and a private room that can seat up to 14 people. The restaurant is closed for lunch, but is available for private lunch parties for 50 to 100 people.

Ocean House

  • Where
    • Outrigger Reef Hotel
    • 2169 Kalia Road
    • Honolulu, HI 96815
  • Call
    • (808) 923-2277
  • Hours
    • Breakfast served daily
    • 7 a.m. – 11 a.m.
    • Dinner served daily
    • 5 pm. – 10 p.m.
  • Website

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