Swim in a Sea of Flavor

Digest On the Menu

January 14, 2012

Story By: Dining Out Team |

Located beachfront in the Outrigger Reef Hotel, Ocean House presents patrons from across the world with spectacular cuisine and pristine oceanfront views as they dine on the shores of beautiful Waikiki.

“We want our guests to feel at home here,” says dinner manager Chris Cole. “We have a variety of amazing items on the menu.”

The prime rib, for example, has been a staple here, along with the vast array of seafood dishes. However, there is one item in particular that’s no longer on the regular menu, but gives Ocean House’s signature entrees a run for their money.

  • Garlic Ahi Steak ($31.50)
  • Dinner manager Chris Cole with Garlic Ahi Steak
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“Garlic Ahi Steak used to be on the menu and was one of our best-sellers,” Cole explains. “We took it off the menu to make way for a handful of new dishes, but our regular and loyal customers still request it.”

“This dish is a favorite among our staff,” adds general manager David Nagaishi.

Available for dinner, Garlic Ahi Steak ($31.50) features pan-seared ahi rubbed with fresh garlic, and doused in a succu-lent sauce comprised of sake, oyster sauce and garlic butter. Sugar snap peas and shiitake mushrooms also accompany the dish atop a bed of jasmine rice.

“Customers can request this dish, and we’ll gladly prepare it especially for them,” Nagaishi says. “Ocean House is a great place to host birthday parties, bridal/baby showers, and we offer private lunches for up to 100 people.”

Ocean House

  • Where
    • Outrigger Reef Hotel
    • 2169 Kalia Road
    • Honolulu, HI 96815
  • Call
    • (808) 923-2277
  • Hours
    • Breakfast served daily
    • 7 a.m. – 11 a.m.
    • Dinner served daily
    • 5 pm. – 10 p.m.
  • Website

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