Sweet Fendu Classics

Digest On the Menu

January 7, 2012

Story By: Dining Out Team |

Fendu Boulangerie breaks the mold when it comes to your typical breakfast pastries. Owner and chef Niel Koep deemed it necessary to offer high quality baked goods to his patrons when he opened his bakery in Manoa Marketplace in March 2009.

  • Owner and chef Niel Koep
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“We’ve been busier than ever, the holidays were crazy for us. It’s nice to have been able to breathe a little since then,” Koep says with a laugh.

So, now that all the holiday goodies have been tucked away into the bellies of Fendu Boulangerie’s loyal patrons, Koep wants to once again pay tribute to those signature pastries that have always drawn in those with a sweet tooth. You can never go wrong with simple classics.

“We have a handful of pastries that have always been really popular with the breakfast crowd since day one; they include the Chocolate Croissant, Lychee Streusel, Pear Marscapone and Chocolate Danish, and Blueberry Danish,” he states.

All priced at $2.25 apiece, each pastry is made with the finest and freshest ingredients, all captivating the diverse tastes and likes of every customer. The Chocolate Croissant, is for example, a soft and flaky European-style croissant in which lies a stick of bittersweet chocolate made in France. The croissant is then topped with powdered sugar, making for the sweetest start to any day. And lychee fanatics will love Fendu’s Lychee Streusel, made with Danish dough, and filled with pastry cream and almond cream, then topped with decadent morsels of lychee and streusel.

Now, keep in mind that Pear Marscapone and Chocolate Danish is tempting as well. This pastry presents you with an irresistible interior comprised of a Marscapone cheese filling, while the outer portion of this treat is adorned with sweet slices of Bartlett pear. “It’s quite decadent,” says Koep of this delicious pastry. “A lot of people also enjoy the Blueberry Danish with cinnamon, sugar, almond cream and blueberries.

“We can’t forget about these items, but we also want to let our patrons know that starting today, macaroons and pot pies will be available, so come by!”

Fendu Boulangerie

  • Where
    • Manoa Marketplace
    • 2752 Woodlawn Drive #5119
    • Honolulu, HI 96822
  • Call
    • (808) 988-4310
  • Hours
    • 7:30 a.m. – 7 p.m.
    • Tuesday – Saturday
    • 7:30 a.m. – 3 p.m.
    • Sundays
    • Closed Mondays

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