Pasta, Pizza With Personality

Columns Ethnic Faves

January 1, 2012

Story By: Dining Out Team |

A large part of what may make or break a restaurant is its location and if the eatery is a fit in the community. For Happy Valley Pasta & Pizza, it seemingly is perfect for the friendly Diamond Head neighborhood where it held a grand opening in October. The restaurant is delightfully decorated with bright colors and an ambiance that emulates that of a restaurant you may find along the streets of Venice or Florence.

  • Homemade Meatball & Spaghetti ($10.98)
  • Happy Valley Style Margherita Pizza ($9.98)
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Owner Yuki Saito, who has seven similar restaurants in Japan, wanted to expand to the Islands and share his take on Italian food with an American style. Two menu items Saito is always pleased with are Homemade Meatball and Spaghetti and Happy Valley Style Margherita Pizza. Homemade Meatball & Spaghetti — served for $10.98 — starts with your choice of spaghetti or penne topped with a light tomato sauce, mushrooms, broccoli, four homemade meatballs, all sprinkled with Parmesan cheese.

Happy Valley Style Margherita Pizza — priced at $9.98 — starts as a basic pizza with tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese, but it’s the topping, comprised of Saito’s own basil pesto sauce, that makes this pizza stand out from the rest.

Other popular pasta dishes Happy Valley offers are Grilled Chicken & Basil Pesto ($9.98) and Karaage Chicken & Basil Pesto Pasta ($9.98). From 11 to 7 p.m. Happy Valley also offers its Happy Hour drink menu that consists of $1.50 to $2 beers, and glasses of select wines starting at $3.

Happy Valley Pasta & Pizza

  • Where
    • 3106 Monsarrat Avenue
    • Honolulu, HI 96815
  • Call
    • (808) 737-0080
  • Hours
    • Open Daily
    • 11 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. (Lunch)
    • 5 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. (Dinner)

[cetsEmbedGmap src=http://maps.google.com/maps?q=Happy+Valley+Pasta+%26+Pizza+Inc,+Monsarrat+Avenue,+Honolulu,+HI&hl=en&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=44.928295,88.59375&vpsrc=0&hq=Happy+Valley+Pasta+%26+Pizza+Inc,&hnear=Monsarrat+Ave,+Honolulu,+Hawaii&t=m&z=17 width=300 height=300 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 frameborder=0 scrolling=no]

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