Sushi Mecca

Columns Ethnic Faves

November 12, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

Hinone Mizunone has been a growing favorite in Hawaii for nearly four years, and much of the reason is because of its dedication to serving home-style Japanese comfort food.

  • (left to right) Spicy Tuna Roll ($7.25), Salmon Roll ($7.50) and California Roll ($6.25)
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“Home-style cooking to me is about having good times with friends and family in a comfortable place,” says operations manager Eiki Tamaki.

Some of Hinone Mizunone’s popular comfort foods include Chicken “Ama-kara Age” ($11), which consists of crispy fried chicken seasoned with grated daikon and topped with a sweet ginger sauce. The restaurant also is known for its Sizzling Hamburger Steak which consists of ground beef and pork, touched with a demi-glaze sauce. What should be noted however are the new sushi additions to the menu which include Spicy Tuna Roll ($7.25), Salmon Roll ($7.50) and California Roll ($6.25).

“This is local style sushi. We do specialize in home-style cooking, but we started to do a little sushi here, and local people love sushi,” says Tamaki. “The sushi is really starting to get popular, and people are starting to know that we offer it.”

What helps Hinone Mizunone’s sushi dishes stand out is its trademark rice.

“We’re known for our rice. We cook it in an old-fashioned pot, in the old-fashioned style. We have a rice warmer, but no rice cooker, so we actually have to time it and let it cook on high heat and then low heat, and let it sit and settle. Hawaii is a rice culture just like Japan, and that is the reason why we started to cook our rice like this,” adds Tamaki, who also points out that as of Nov. 20, Hinone Mizunone will be open daily for both lunch and dinner.

“We’re not like some Japanese restaurants that close in between lunch and dinner, we like to stay open for our guests.”

Hinone Mizunone

  • Where
    • 1345 South King Street
    • Honolulu, HI 96814
  • Call
    • (808) 942-4848
  • Hours
    • Monday – Saturday
    • 11 a.m. – 9 p.m.
    • Sundays (starting Nov. 20)
    • 11 a.m. – 9 p.m.

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