Take the Time to Rediscover Atlantis

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October 8, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

Situated in the heart of Waikiki, Atlantis Seafood & Steak presents hungry visitors with upscale Island cuisine. The menu boasts an array of local catches as well as fresh seafood from neighboring shores. In addition to showcasing the best in local flavors, the establishment also allows tourists to enjoy the familiar American classics — from burgers to steaks.

  • Northwest Pacific Oysters ($13.95)
  • Garlic Rib Eye ($31.95)
  • Ocean Seafood Pasta ($27.95)
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Still, Atlantis may seem to be part of “the lost city” to many locals who rarely venture into bustling Waikiki. But executive general manager Steven Matsuno believes now is the right time for locals to rediscover the area. In preparation for the upcoming Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meetings next month, “a lot of the Waikiki improvements are starting to really look nice now,” says Matsuno. “It would be a nice thing for locals to see.”

While taking in the view, Hawaii residents and tourists alike can take in some delicious meals as well. To start off, feast your eyes on the impressively large Northwest Pacific Oysters ($13.95). Matsuno explains that these raw delights, which come from Washington, have become a very popular appetizer. “They’re brought in live, fresh, every day. Everyone really loves fresh oysters.”

For the main course, he recommends the restaurant’s best-seller, the Atlantis Garlic Rib Eye ($31.95), made from roasted meat that is cooked with onion and garlic, then topped with Boursin and a sprig of rosemary. Its bursting flavor is matched only by the excitement of having an aromatic, sizzling platter arrive at your table.

“Everyone turns their heads when it comes out, and a lot of our visitors want to eat American steak, so it’s kind of the best of all,” says Matsuno.

Many couples love to split the Rib Eye with another favorite meal that has been around since the restaurant opened in 2006. The Ocean Seafood Pasta ($27.95) features a bountiful combination of Island fish, Manila clams and tiger shrimp tossed in premium pasta with leeks and a basil, and tomato cream sauce. The fruits of the sea are finished with a touch of spice to create a dish that Matsuno describes as “The best of Italian and Continental fare rolled into one.”

Whether you are visiting for the first time or simply rediscovering the beauty of these Islands, match stunning scenery with equally enticing meals at Atlantis Seafood and Steak.

Atlantis Seafood & Steak

  • Where
    • 2284 Kalakaua Avenue
    • Honolulu, HI 96815
  • Call
    • (808) 922-6868
  • Hours
    • Open daily
    • 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. (Lunch)
    • 4 p.m. – 10 p.m. (Dinner)

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