G Sushi Offers Up Freshest Sashimi

Columns Ethnic Faves

September 10, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

A calming stream awaits you at G Sushi as wooden boats float by, circling their way through the middle of the restaurant, presenting dishes of finely prepared quality sushi and sashimi. Adding to its vast menu, which includes nigiri, temaki, noodle dishes, donburi, gunkan, makimono and deep-fried delicacies, G Sushi also features — next to its already popular sashimi — a salmon sashimi that co-owner Lisa Yuan is pleased to see become quite popular.

  • Salmon Sashimi ($3.99)
Image of

“The salmon is always fresh and it is valuable to our customers. We get our fish straight from the fish markets fresh each day,” says Yuan.

“Some places do not have salmon as a sashimi option, so we wanted to introduce this to our customers.”

Priced at $3.99 for four pieces of thinly sliced, melt-in-your-mouth salmon, G Sushi’s salmon sashimi should brighten any day, or at least your belly. Other fresh sashimi-style fish that G Sushi highlights are its maguro and hamachi, which also are priced at $3.99.

G Sushi

  • Where
    • Market City Shopping Center
    • 2919 Kapiolani Boulevard #23
    • Honolulu, HI 96826
  • Call
    • (808) 732-9661
  • Hours
    • 11 a.m. – 9 p.m.
    • Sunday – Thursday
    • 11 a.m. – 10 p.m.
    • Fridays and Saturdays

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