The Pot of Gold

Veg'n Out

July 2, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

Eat a rainbow. Nutritionists advise that an everyday diet rich in vegetables of different colors is beneficial to your health. The more variety the better.

  • Jai ($5.95)
  • Vegetable Chow Mein ($5.75)
  • Golden manager Sherman Lam with the Vegetable Chow Mein
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It may be a bit of work to achieve that at home in your own kitchen day in and day out, but that’s a great reason to read Dining Out each week. Sit back, relax and let the chefs do the work!

Popular for its fresh and affordable dim sum, Golden Palace Seafood Restaurant’s menu lists a number of stir-fry and noodle dishes, many of which are vegetable-rich, such as the Vegetable Chow Mein ($5.75).

“We serve a variety of vegetable dishes with no meat, and vegetables with noodles,” says Gary Lam, whose family owns the Chinatown eatery. “Most of our vegetable dishes are $5.95.” (Note to vegetarians and vegans: Oyster sauce is used in some of the vegetable dishes.)

Traditionally served for good luck on Chinese New Year (on Chinese New Year only, a special jai that includes dried oysters is served), Golden Palace’s Law Hon Jai (aka monk’s food) is a colorful bowlful of rice noodles, snow peas, baby corn, carrots, cabbage, red dates, black fungus and mushrooms — and it’s available year round.

This jai is a rainbow in a bowl, and for those who choose not to eat meat, at only $5.95, it can be like finding the pot of gold.

Golden Palace Seafood Restaurant

  • Where
    • 111 North King Street
    • Honolulu, HI 96817
  • Call
    • (808) 521-8268
  • Hours
    • Open daily
    • 7 a.m. – 10 p.m.

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