A Dish That Honors the Heart, Heritage of Diners at Kochi

Columns Ethnic Faves

July 16, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

Four years ago when Kochi first opened, senior partner Lee Takara was waiting for the right time to introduce the Kurobuta Kakuni to the menu.

  • Kurobuta Kakuni ($18.95)
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“I’ve always wanted to do it, but we didn’t have the right set-up or it wasn’t the right time. Now that we have the right set-up, we’re able to provide it for our guests,” says Takara.

Kochi and its partner, neighboring delicatessen Gulick, have always been known for quality of food, which celebrates both heart and heritage. Kochi’s Kurobuta Kakuni is a celebration of pork, and is known for its exquisite taste, texture and flavor.

Breeding of this exceptional pig began nearly 300 years ago at the House of Windsor in Great Britain. Berkshires eventually were introduced to Asia, shared and bred for emperors and their families.

Consisting of the belly portion of the Berkshire, Kurobuta Kakuni ($18.95) is braised for five to six hours.

“We render all the loose fat leaving just a little, which is really just the connective tissue, which is really flavorful,” says Takara.

Once cut and braised to perfection, the pork is then set in a shoyu-ginger stock served with a hatcho miso reduction, ready for your succulent approval.

Kochi Restaurant and Lounge

  • Where
    • 1936 South King Street
    • Honolulu, HI 96826
  • Call
    • (808) 941-2835
  • Hours
    • Open daily
    • 5 p.m. – 2 a.m.
  • Website

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