Ho Ho Knows How to Party It Up

Digest Lite Bites

May 14, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

For the hungry diner, Ho Ho Chinese Cuisine in Kapolei has anything and every thing to satisfy your appetite.

  • Salt and Pepper Crab Legs ($15.95)
  • Beef Broccoli party tray ($27.95)
  • Salt and Pepper Shrimp party tray ($21.99)
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Located at The Marketplace at Kapolei, this West Oahu eatery allows customers to choose from its all-you-can-eat evening buffet, which is offered Monday through Thursday for $15.95 per person and Friday through Sunday for $17.95. The lunch buffet also is served daily, priced at $9.50 Monday through Friday and $10.95 Saturday and Sunday.

Although the buffet line is diverse, featuring Chinese favorites like orange chicken, sweet and sour spare ribs, cold ginger chicken, fried rice and fried noodles, manager Crystal Chan claims most customers prefer the restaurant’s seafood selection.

“The top items here at Ho Ho Chinese Cuisine are the Salt and Pepper Crab Legs and Salt and Pepper Shrimp,” says Chan, adding that customers can order these entrees off the menu as well. The crab legs are priced at $15.95, while the shrimp dish costs $9.50.

“We’re especially known for our buffet and dim sum, but we really want to promote our party menu just in time for graduation parties,” she explains. “We have many party trays that people will love.”

The Salt and Pepper Shrimp party tray ($21.99 for 31 pieces) will put the spice in any party as these flavorful crustaceans are seasoned with just the right amount of salt and pepper, and a sprinkle of garlic. Chan says the Beef Broccoli ($27.95, small party tray) also is a classic dish at Ho Ho Chinese Cuisine, and can easily be considered the life of the party. With more than 50 items on the party menu and party trays available in small, medium, large, deluxe and jumbo sizes, the restaurant can accommodate all your catering needs.

Ho Ho Chinese Cuisine

  • Where
    • 590 Farrington Highway
    • Kapolei, HI 96707
  • Call
    • (808) 692-9880
  • Hours
    • Open 10 a.m. daily (dine-in area)

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