On On at McCully Chinese Restaurant breaks the mold when it comes to authentic Chinese cuisine. Owners Cowan and Faith Wong are making diners happy — one hungry stomach at a time — with mouth-watering dishes such as Chinese Chicken Salad and Oyster Sauce Chicken Cake Noodle, to name a few. Open daily from 10:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., On On at McCully Chinese Restaurant is located at 1110 McCully St. Call 946-8833.
Owner Faith Wong and manager and son Norman with plates of jin dui and custard tarts, served at On On McCully Chinese Restaurant.
The house special, Crispy Hong Kong Noodle ($9.95)
Owner Cowan Wong, holding a pair of live lobsters.
Cynthia, Clifford, and Norman Wong.
Crispy Gau Gee with sweet and sour sauce ($6.75).
Jon Barrand and Gerald Cruz.
Yukino Tanaka-Ishihara, John Sakaguchi, Earl Matsukawa, Lauren Yasaka and Kellen Tanaka.
Image of
On On at McCully Chinese Restaurant
- Where
- 1110 McCully Street
- Honolulu, HI 96826
- Call
- (808) 946-8833
- Hours
- Daily
- 10:30 a.m. – 9:30 p.m.
- Website
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