More Than Just Tacos at Wahoo’s

Digest Eat This

April 24, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

Wahoo’s Fish Taco is making a splash when it comes to serving up the best in “California-Mex” fare. Sisters Stephanie Gambetta and Noel Pietsch brought this California-based chain to the islands in 2006 with the opening of their first location at Ward Gateway Center. Today, Gambetta and Pietsch are busier than ever, having opened the doors to the eatery’s second location last December in Kahala Corner.

  • Wahoo's Salad ($9.75) is topped with chicken, tortilla strips and cheese, paired with salsa and guacamole on the side.
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The restaurant’s beachy and relaxed vibe makes it the optimal place to enjoy a meal and drinks with friends, whether you’re craving a taco, enchilada, sandwich, salad, pupus or one of Wahoo’s famous bowls. Undoubtedly, you won’t regret a thing, as the cuisine at Wahoo’s is healthy, deliciously fresh and equally affordable.

“The Wahoo’s Salad is a very popular dish and really, really healthy,” Pietsch explains.

For $9.75, diners receive Wahoo’s self-titled salad, featuring a refreshing blend of lettuce, red cabbage, cheese, fresh salsa, guacamole and crisp tortilla shells, topped with your choice of flame-broiled chicken, fish, pork or tofu. Add on shrimp or grilled steak for an additional $2. A fat-free cilantro sauce and dressing accompanies the dish to give it that extra zest that will leave you begging for more.

“I think a lot of people think Wahoo’s just has fish, but we also offer chicken, steak, pork, shrimp and tofu. So there’s lots of different options,” Pietsch says.

Wahoo’s Fish Taco

  • Where
    • Ward Gateway Center
    • 940 Auahi Street #140
    • Honolulu, HI 96814
    • Kahala Korner
    • 4614 Kilauea Avenue
    • Honolulu, HI 96821
  • Call
    • (808) 591-1646 (Ward)
    • (808) 732-9229 (Kahala)

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