Simple Pleasures at Ho Ho

Veg'n Out

April 3, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

Sometimes the simple things in life are the best — and that goes for fresh vegetables as well. There’s no need for heavy sauces or extravagant recipes when vegetables are nice and fresh, as a simple preparation lets the natural flavors shine through.

  • Lunchtime at Ho Ho's on a recent weekday.
  • The restaurant is located in the heart of Kapolei.
  • Dried String Beans ($7.95)
  • Sue Chen with a dish worthy of the heartiest of vegetarian appetites.
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I love fresh string beans, and when they’re prepared just right, I could eat a mountain of them. That’s why, when eating out, it’s so special when you find a restaurant that prepares a dish that fits your tastes perfectly.

Popular for its bountiful buffet, Ho Ho Chinese Cuisine also offers a full a la carte menu. And for those who choose not to eat meat, there’s a “Vegetable” section just for you.

With a name like “Dried String Beans” ($7.95), you may overlook this dish on Ho Ho’s extensive menu, but if you love fresh green beans as much as I do, that would be a mistake.

The beans are stir-fried with sliced red bell peppers, onions and dash of minced garlic, and the nearly dry cooking method results in appealingly crisp-tender vegetables. This colorful dish is not only delicious, but pleasing to the eye as well. It’s that simple.

Ho Ho Chinese Cuisine

  • Where
    • 590 Farrington Highway
    • Kapolei, HI 96707
  • Call
    • (808) 692-9880
  • Hours
    • 9:30 a.m. – 9 p.m.
    • Sunday – Thursday
    • 9:30 a.m. – 10 p.m.
    • Fridays and Saturdays

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