A Pho-out, Steaming-hot Deal

Veg'n Out

March 13, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

It’s mealtime and you’re really hungry with visions of noodles dancing in your head. But your wallet isn’t exactly bursting at the seams.

  • Vegetable Pho ($7.95) comes with mint leaves, bean sprouts, chili peppers and lemon wedges.
  • Two tofu summer rolls can be purchased for an additional $4.95.
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No problem, veggie lovers. Just head on over to Pho My Lien in Aiea on the second floor of Westridge Shopping Center, where you can get a large, steaming bowl of vegetable pho for only $7.95. It’s accompanied by mint leaves, bean sprouts, herbs, chili peppers, lemon wedges and hot and sweet sauces. And those who don’t eat meat will have no beef with the broth — it’s a vegetable broth-based rice noodle soup that’s a meal in itself.

And, if you’ve got an extra-big appetite and just a little more kala, for $4.95 you can add two freshly made tofu summer rolls — rice sheets packed with tofu, rice vermicelli, mint leaves and bean sprouts. Light and refreshing, summer rolls are the perfect complement to the hot pho — a delicious “soup and sandwich” combo, Vietnamese-style.

But, wait. There’s even better news for all you cash-strapped pho lovers, and you read it right here in Dining Out. Beginning March 22, Pho My Lien will offer Pho To Go Tuesdays, when you can get a large bowl of pho for only $5.95 (takeout only) — a steal for a meal that’s the real deal!

Pho My Lien Vietnamese Restaurant

  • Where
    • Westridge Shopping Center
    • 98-150 Kaonohi Street Suite B213-B
    • Aiea, HI 96701
  • Call
    • (808) 488-4900
  • Hours
    • 10 a.m. – 10 p.m.
    • Monday – Saturday
    • 10 a.m. – 8 p.m.
    • Sundays

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