Owner Sofia Ramirez and manager Gloria Orias put the final touches on a few dishes for customers.
The breakfast menu includes the dish Huevos Rancheros ($6.50), which comes with a soft cover of corn tortilla, beans, rice, over-easy eggs, cheese and a special sauce.
Chilaquiles ($6.50) features crispy chips with eggs and salsa, and succulent steak for $5 extra.
Joe Mau, Roy Kaneshiro and Miles Okano.
Mark Neisser, Mark Lytle and Larry Peterson.
Lee and Dan Hubbs.
Terry Rishty and Sonny Clifton.
Chad Morgan with Precious, Alex and Tony Linmark.
Image of
El Charro Mexicano
- Where
- 99-115 Aiea Heights Drive
- Aiea, HI 96701
- Call
- (808) 488-9727
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