Page 2 - Dining Out - Jan 2 2022
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  Restaurant Insider with Anne Lee
    A N N E L E E Imet with Sushi King manager Sylvia Kon- sonable portion and taste has to be very and color is important. Within six months
consistent. The owner should be there all the time so the customer feels comfortable seeing the same face. I have a lot of custom- ers that visit Hawaii and come back every time they are here.
AL: How did this concept start originally?
SKA: My mom and dad started restaurants in San Francisco for about 15 years prior to moving to Hawaii as a place to eventually retire and started Sushi King.
SK: I’m full Chinese, born and raised in Ja- pan, and went to San Francisco for school and met my husband who was working as a chef specializing in French cuisine. We decided to open a Japanese restaurant as he couldn’t speak English. French and Jap- anese cuisine is similar in the presentation
speaks with Sushi King managers
and founder/owner/mom SHU-LEE KONDO
Photos by
do Akaka, founder/owner/mom Shu-Lee
Kondo and manager Tez Hartney — aka the sushi queens — at their new Kakaako location at University of Hawaii John A. Burns School of Medicine. This family-owned busi- ness celebrated 30 years in 2021 and con- tinues to offer the same delicious options for guests in their new space and more. Sushi platters are their specialty — and don’t for- get to preorder yours for the 2022 Super Bowl on Feb. 13.
AL: How long ago did Sushi King first open and what’s the secret to the success? SK: In 1991, we first opened our doors at our original King Street location and we will kick off our 30 years at our new Kakaako location.
You have to be reasonably priced, rea-
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he lost his eyesight, and I had to work in the kitchen and make the dishes.
AL: How did your daughters get involved in the business?
SK: Both Sylvia and Tez grew up in the restaurant and worked there until they went off to college. Tez also worked with Alan Wong for a few years, and Sylvia worked in high-end retail. Both of my daughters ended up in LasVegas in retail so I decided to part- ner with Boyd Gaming and opened a Sushi King in Las Vegas in 1999 so they could work there. It closed in 2006 when they tore down the Stardust Hotel & Casino. This restaurant is truly a family-run business; our staff has been with us for many years. My grand- children are also working in the restaurant.
Nicole Monton
Phone: 808-529-4857
Anne Lee
Phone: 808-347-1093
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Dining Out
/ Jan. 2-8, 2022

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