Page 4 - Dining Out - Dec 26, 2021
P. 4

   Cover Story
       Neal Arakaki and Susan Morita of Menehune Mac along with Jimmy Chan of Hawaiian Chip Company
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Local customers and visitors to the islands can look forward to enjoying their favorite snacks and sweet treats from Hawai- ian Chip Company in 2022, including new selections that are sure to draw a crowd.
Hawaiian Chip Compa- ny first started serving up its iconic purple Okinawan sweet potato chips 21 years ago in Ziploc bags for sale at local swap meets. These chips were, and remain, dis- tinguishable from other sim- ilar products on the market
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because they are seasoned with signature flavors like Zesty Garlic, Kiawe BBQ and Kilauea Fire. These distinct flavor combinations even- tually inspired a line of hot sauces, including the head- lining Kilauea Fire.
By mixing and matching different flavors in an array of combinations, Hawaiian Chip Company has creat- ed seemingly endless pos- sibilities over the past two decades. The local business is also collaborating with Me- nehune Mac at its snack and
gift center in Kalihi on Repub- lican Street that showcases specialty chips, chocolate covered macadamia nuts, as well as a variety of popular locally made products like okoshi, party mix, cookies, and “Pidginmoji” fortune cookies.
The business recently expanded its parking lot, so customers have access to more stalls that are well spaced and clearly marked in the area adjacent to the store.
“We were inspired by the
products’ popularity to serve the chips right off the pro- duction line at the factory in Kalihi, which allows custom- ers the opportunity to select their own seasoning for those freshly made chips,” says Ha- waiian Chip Company owner Jimmy Chan. “The goal is to create an experience that tourists and locals alike will appreciate.”
Guests can get their fix with a made-to-order, 1-pound box of Taro Chips ($20) — the perfect way to stock up on Hawaiian Chip
Company’s signature item that is a hit at any party or gathering.
Hawaiian Chip Company is all about the cookies, too,
and offers an incredible se- lection of the sweet morsels headlined by Pidginmoji Fortune Cookies ($8 per bag) that are made by Ha-
  4 / Dining Out / Dec. 26, 2021-Jan. 1, 2022

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